Why modern radio is a-ok.
The following “story behind the song” portion of our broadcast was recently written by Skip in response to the emails we get asking when and where we were when we wrote this or that song. The one we’ve been getting the most emails about recently is “why modern radio is a-ok”
Skip: This song was accidentally inspired by Thad Cockrell (as many things are). Thad was over at our house one night checking his email and Timshel and I were making supper for the three of us. We had been listening to a bunch of records, and I put on the Neil Young’s “Comes a Time.” We’d never listened to this record with Thad before, and as soon as track one, side one came on, Thad froze up. He looked pretty confused, and a little misty if you know what I mean.
He said “Oh what are you doing? You can’t put this thing on without giving me at least a week’s warning – I fell in love to this record (!)
It turns out that this was Thad and his special lady’s main album -- The same special someone who was the eventual broken-heart-inspiration behind the lion’s share of songs on Stack of Dreams and Warmth and Beauty. Jackpot. As far as insensitive moves go, I had rolled snake eyes and not known it. Needless to say I put on something else. We felt pretty bad about the whole event, and probably made some lame jokes about how many couples we’d known that had fallen in love to Cinderella and Scorpions tapes (Ourselves included in this list naturally).
A couple of weeks later I was brushing my teeth and I got this song in my head. I don’t remember exactly what I had been thinking, but probably something along the lines of how emotionally stable Thad would be if he only listened to the Z100 radio stations. Anyway I wrote this song that night and played it for Thad that weekend at one of our shows. Lyrically, it is a recollection of a conversation between two friends. If you have been coming to our live shows, you might have notices the lyrics have changed a little since we recorded the demo that is on our myspace page.
Thanks to all who write in and ask about these songs. we'll post more of these as the record release approcahes.
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