Monday, January 16, 2006

Timshel Skip and Jude are leaving for the UK this morning. look out for current events, amusing stories, etc.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Sir-MIx-a BAMB. Finally we are mixing folks and it smells like hot potatoes down here. Tonight is our last night of working on this record and we are finishing here with seven songs. we are just having trouble putting this whole experience into words and everything so .....I have taken a poll as far as metaphors for how good this record is and so far we've got:

"Thad's new record is as good as.....

a) The popcorn break you take in the middle of a hot and sweaty night at the roller rink.

b) When they opened up that refrigerator on Sesame Street and all of your favorite vegetables and sandwiches were in there singing.

c) The way that big ol' fat money pouch at the school bake sale feels in your hand before you have to turn it into the principal.

d) Vienna in the Snow, St. Peter's in the Spring...."

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

"I think records are like sausages, you like them a lot better when you don't know how they are made."

Monday, January 09, 2006

We give you some quotes/glimpses from our seshhhh over the past week and a half:

1) "I feel like I have only left the basement in the past month to sleep and to soak my feet in peroxide."

... also

2) " I think Jude left a cheerio in my guitar"

........and then

3) " Guys, there is a pube on my keyboard and I didn't put it there."

..... but most importantly

4) "I have been offically suspended from listening to any more "reference" songs during the making of this record."

.... followed by

5) -Thad making certain hand gestures to all of us and saying "can you put this in quotes?"

..also, apparently we are working on a "killer vibe" here, "dude".

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Kong size your single?....invaluable. "Rosalyn",The first of Thad's "whomp your butt and leave you crying" songs, is hot and ready to post on Thad's Myspace. Take a listen everybody and see what you think. We have been working ridiculous hours up here trying to get these things right and still leave time for a little footy-ball. Just Kidding. No footy ball. We have set a goal for two days/song and so far we have been blowing through with few snags except that Thad is such a Prom Queen that he insists on doing vocals with no lights, standing in a circle of flames, and holding a sceptor. Hope you like it so far.